A few of the folks who are hard at work bringing your ideas to fruition
Chris Loeser
Chris Loeser
Founder & Head Janitor
Spent many a year developing digital marketing initiatives both in-house and at various Cleveland marketing agencies.
Kevin Fagan
Kevin Fagan
Art Director
Kevin Fagan joins Blackgate Creative as both their lead graphic designer and resident DJ.
Kevin Martin
Kevin Martin
Biz Ops
When he's not out on the water, Kevin spends his time helping SMB owners level up their marketing and operations.
Jeff Mcmanamon
Jeff Mcmanamon
Project Cordinator
Selling homes by day and laying out digital marketing strategies by night... he might be Superman. We've never seen them both in the same place at the same time.
Rebecca Ferlotti
Rebecca Ferlotti
Content Marketing Manager
Rebecca is a long-form content specialist and research nerd who is a proponent of all things 90s (minus Furbies).
Chris Leo
Chris Leo
Comms Chief
Former teacher/professor turned communications/pr team lead. If there's a story to be told, Chris will find a better way to tell it.
Scott Zimmer
Scott Zimmer
Creative Director
Scott Zimmer joins Blackgate Creative as their Creative Director and let's be honest, he's WAY too into Batman.
Bryan Kaye
Bryan Kaye
Social Media Lead
With unique insights into healthcare and pharma, Bryan lends his expertise to transforming regular 'ol social media into effective B2B / B2C communication channels.